Book Description
for Night Sounds by Javier Sobrino and Emilio Urberuaga
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
When the sleeping animals of the rain forest are awoken by loud cries issuing from a box, their first instinct is to pacify the crier by providing whatever it needs. Cold? An orangutan fetches a warm blanket. Thirsty? A tapir provides a bowl of fresh water. Scared? A rhinoceros brings a doll for company. Momentarily placated each time, the crying quickly resumes with a new request. Finally a tiger delivers the little one's Mummy-an elephant!-and it appears that all will be able to sleep again at last. Imagine their frustration when "wuu wuu wuuuuu" echoes through the forest yet again. These wails are coming from the village, and it's the baby elephant who shouts advice, "It wants a kiss! That child must have a kiss! Then we can all go back to sleep." Featuring creatures of southern and southeast Asia, this bedtime tale sports intense of colors, varied emotions, and droll comedy, including the incongruity of an elephant (no matter how young) fitting inside a small wooden box. (Ages 3-6)
CCBC Choices 2014. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 2014. Used with permission.